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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Post #3. Sheldon, Amy. "’Kings are Royaler Than Queens’: Language and Socialization.”

The English language contains sexism characteristics that promote male dominance as a social norm. This leaves women to be unseen in our language and to a certain extent can make people adapt from an early age to become sexist. Also making another outlet of how women can be and are left out of American culture. This type of mentality can and will bleed into many different aspects of life, take for example women's work force. Studies show jobs that are classified "women’s work" the pay is likely to be 40% less than male classified jobs, this shows serious inequality in the attitudes towards women importance compared to men. This article I believe is trying to show the first and most primitive form of sexism children are going to be introduced to. Although I do know that children are more likely to use language from their mothers from ages 1-6 years old. So the problem is not 100% from males, meaning that the sexism in language is done by all. Amy Sheldon practices in her own life and suggest that people use a balance of terms or neutral words when referring to objects, roles of people, and he/she when talking to their children, so that they can become objective in their use of language.

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