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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blog # 6 Parks, Janet B., and Mary Ann Roberton. “Attitudes toward Women Mediate the Gender Effect on Attitudes toward Sexist Language.”

The article describes sexist language as; “words, phrases, and expressions that unnecessarily differentiate between women and men or exclude, trivialize, or diminish either gender”. (parks & Roberton, 1998a, p. 455). This theory suggests that language and gender are closely tied. The experiences in which people have growing up will affect the mannerism in which people use language. It is shown that both men and women use gender in language, but women are more supportive of non gender language then men. This is an obvious conclusion since men are not the ones being objectified by the use of gender in language. Since I have been in this class I make a conscience effort to not objectify women in language. I noticed in my writing I would always use; “he”, or “man and wife”. Now I try to balance my usage of using gender in language.

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