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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

blog#1 Girl Talk/Boy Talk: Sex Differences in Adolescent Speech by Edina Eisikovits

Edina Eisikovits does a great job in analyzing and providing information on how language and gender differ in adolescent teens from Australia. In the studies we see that young children, boys/girls, speech patterns along with word usage are about the same. As the children are examined over time the girls make remarkable bounds in their speech and behavior. The boys on the other hand, mostly stay at the same level or decline in word usage and over all behavior. I agree that women or girls are more analyzed and expected by everyone to act proper or be well spoken. Women have to live in a double standard society. Our society along with almost all societies in the world are patriarchal, meaning dominated by males and geared towards their benefit. I do not think it is right for our society to allow men to be weak in attributes. Women seem to figure out the world a whole lot faster and in many cases get their act together faster than men. Men should be treated with the same standards and not forgotten.

Blog#1 Girl-Talk: Sex Differences in Adolescent Speech